Oyo PDP to APC: N10 Billion Approved By Assembly Is To Sanitize Mess Caused By APC

The Oyo State People's Democratic Party PDP, has responded to the allegations credited to All Progressive Congress APC, in Oyo State, on recent loan approved by Oyo State House of Assembly, which APC referred to as "One Chance Boss" as "watery and baseless" statement... 

In a statement released by PDP Publicity Secretary, Engr Akeem Olatunji, stated that "the recent loan approved by Oyo State Assembly for the administration of Governor Seyi Makinde is to be used to sanitize Oyo State from the odious mess caused by the previous regime of Governor Abiola Ajimobi, therefore, the statement credited to APC is watery and baseless. 

He further expatiate that Oyo PDP challenge APC in Oyo State to give details of loans obtained by the last administration of Abiola Ajimobi and clarify to the Oyo citizens exactly what those loans were used for. The era of taking loans and divert it to private pockets or keeping it in private accounts to yield interests and later share it among corrupt individuals is gone for good.

"The reckless statement credited to Oyo State APC is a lazy approach to oppose a genuine effort to bail out the state from economic stagnation and infrastructural quagmire that was celebrated by the Ajimobi led APC government in Oyo State.

"Oyo State APC should not have forgotten so soon how in a day during the last one month of former Governor Abiola Ajimobi administration, he awarded N30 billion Naira road projects without passing through due process. Where do they think the fund would come from but rather than continuously complaining about the rapacious looting of Oyo State treasury and non prioritization of government projects by the immediate past administration, the current government is doing all her possible best to start executing projects and programs that have direct benefits to the citizens, and to this end the PDP in Oyo State is proud the proactive steps so far taken by Governor Seyi Makinde, most especially the N10 billion Naira for infrastructure development.

Oyo citizens should rightly know that Oyo State APC leadership position as at today is occasionally occupied by jobless people who had nothing worthwhile to do. The allegation of the APC was an attempt to be heard in the face of developmental work by Governor Seyi Makinde.

Oyo APC and her leaders are merely trying to distract a performing governor. As always, they will fail once again. Governor Makinde is committed to the development of Oyo State and will not be drawn into unnecessary politicking when he is seriously engaged in pro-masses projects.

Like the governor has always maintained at different fora of PDP stakeholders meetings to review government policies and performances, we have transited into the phase of laying a good developmental foundation for the state.. The primary concern of the governor and PDP is to ensure that all parts of Oyo State experience unprecedented development.

There are procedures for taking development loans. Governor Seyi Makinde, a renowned Entrepreneur and administrator, is to follow these procedures when to obtain the loans following the empty treasury he met upon assumption of duty.

"No matter the campaign of calumny by APC, nothing will deter Makinde led PDP government from ensuring that the state remains on track despite the economic cash crunch besetting the state as a results of mismanagement, reckless award of contract, treasury looting and lack of financial discipline by the previous Ajimobi led APC administration.

Oyo PDP now implore APC in Oyo state to find ways of solving her internal crisis which has consumed the Ministerial ambition of former Governor Abiola Ajimobi instead of justifying over N150 billion debt left for Makinde without mentioning to the public that the first 8 years of PDP government left N10 billion at N120 per $ for Ajimobi led APC government to inherit, unlike now that Makinde led PDP administration is starting from the scratch.


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