Ministerial List: I'm Going To Be Me. I Will Pick People I Personally Know. | PM BUHARI

President Muhammadu Buhari has admitted being under tremendous pressure to name his ministerial nominees.
He spoke at a dinner he had with the leadership of the National Assembly led by the Senate President, Ahmed Lawan, on Thursday night in Abuja.
However, Buhari told the gathering that he was taking time to appoint persons known to him personally, unlike in 2015 when he didn’t know most of the ministerial nominees.
The President stated,  “Many at this dinner meeting are saying they want to see the list of the proposed cabinet so that they can go on leave peacefully.
 “I am very much aware about it; I am under tremendous pressure on it. But the last cabinet which I headed, most of them, the majority of them I didn’t know them. I had to accept the names and recommendations from the party and other individuals.
“I worked with them for three and half years at least – meeting twice or two weeks in a month. So I know them.
“But, this time around I’m going to be… me.
“Me in the sense that I will pick people I personally know.”

Source: PUNCH


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