Oyo lawmaker(Yusuf Adebisi) Empower Over 100 Constituents On Entrepreneurial Skills

An Oyo State lawmaker and Son to a famous musician Yusuf Adebisi(Currency) on Tuesday has empowered over 100 members of his constituency to put them into productive ventures and for self -reliance.
According to him, the trainees comprising youths and women were undergone weeks training on various entrepreneurial skills. No fewer than 20 person drawn from each Ward were trained on various entrepreneurial skills from barbing, hairdressing, shoemaking, fashion designing, trading, and also received cash of N20,000 each.

Honourable Yusuf Adebisi, who represents Ibadan Southwest Constituency 1 at the Oyo state House of Assembly, disclosed this in an interview Yesterday in Oyo State.
He explained that his decision to embark on the project is to contribute his quota in bringing dividend of democracy to members of his constituency.
The lawmaker who is the chairman, House Committed on Youths and Spots, said that government cannot do it alone, saying that lawmakers should also assist in reducing rate of unemployment in the state and country at large.

He stated that it is important to take youths off the street and engage them in meaningful projects that would be beneficial to them and the society.
“ As a Youngest lawmaker among others, I realise that teaching youths how to fish will be more beneficial than giving them the fish. They are the reason for my being where I am and as such, their interest and well-being are of great concern to me.
“They are the reason why we are here and it is our responsibility to empower our people by empowering them.
“It is important to teach them how to make money and not just giving them money.
“If they have business of their own, they will be able to feed themselves, families and dependants and can also be employers too.

He further stated that 9th assembly are following the footsteps of governor Makinde which made governance easy with his leadership style.
He constraints people of Ibadan South West constituency local government and Oyo state at large to continue to give maximum support to the present administration as it is committed and dedicated to a more prosperous and robust economy for the state.

In attendance at the event are the Ibadan South West local government party chairman, his excos and all chairmen of Six Ward and their excos comprising Ib SouthWest  constituency 1.


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