Akesan Inferno: Baameto Aare Ona Kakanfo(Hon Ige) Commiserates With Alaafin, Oyo People Over Market Fire Disaster. Describes The Incident As Devastating.

Following the unfortunate fire incident that ravaged the entire Akesan market in the early hour of Sunday 5th January, 2020, the former minority leader in Oyo State House of Assembly, represented Ib South East Constituency II and the Baameto Aare Ona Kakanfo of Yorubaland, Hon. Ademola Akeem Ige has expressed his condolence to the Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi, victims of the fire incident and the entire people of Oyo town, describing the incident as devastating.

Hon. Ademola Ige who is the immediate past Minority Leader of the Oyo State House of Assembly disclosed this in a statement he personally signed and made available to news men.

Hon. Ige said he was deeply touched by the incident, explained that "the huge loss of properties and valuable items worth millions of naira by the traders is destabilizing.

The Baameto Aare Ona Kakanfo who described the ancient Akesan market as "strategic not only to Oyo town but also the entire Yoruba race, called on well meaning individuals to come to the aid of the affected traders who had lost their property and means of livelihood in the fire incident.

While praying God to turn their loses to blessing, Hon. Ademola Ige implored the traders to take solace in the fact that their lives were not lost during the inferno and await interventions from government at all levels and other individuals that will cushion the effect that the incident might have in their lives.


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