Nig Army 2Div Celebrates West African Social Activities In Grand Style.

The people of the premier city, Ibadan turned out at Maj Gen John Inienger Sports Complex, Adekunle Fajuyi Cantonment, Odogbo- Ibadan to celebrate with Officers and men of 2 Division Nigerian Army on the occasion of the West African Social Activities (WASA) 2019.

In a statement released by the Deputy Director Army Public Relations 2 Division Nigerian Army, Col Hassan Ifijeh Mohammed stated that "the occasion is to mark the end of the Division activities for the year 2019.

"WASA as one of the activities of the Nigerian Army provides an enabling environment where service personnel with their families and loved ones come together to celebrate. It is unique and memorable as it showcases the diverse ethnic and rich cultural composition of the Nigerian Army. WASA provides a platform where national heritage and patriotism are celebrated against religious, ethnic and social sentiments.

The Special Guest of Honour of the occasion was His Excellency,  the Executive Governor of Oyo State, Engr Seyi Abiodun Makinde.

The General Officer Commanding(GOC) 2 Division Nigerian Army,  Maj Gen Anthony Bamidele Omozoje in his opening remarks appreciated the contributions and support of His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Oyo State Engr Seyi Abiodun Makinde and the good people of Oyo State. The GOC also appreciated the sacrifices of the officers and men of the command. As part of the occasion barrack women were empowered with facilities to support them in various trade of their choice. These women who are wives of soldiers and relatives were taken on an entrepreneurial empowerment practices and lectures by the Chairperson, Nigerian Army Officers Wives Association (NAOWA), 2 Division Chapter, Mrs Stella Omozoje, earlier days before the WASA 2019 celebration.

His Excellency,  in his remarks commended Officers and men of 2 Division for their sacrificial contributions in the maintenance of peace and order in Oyo State. The Executive Governor, Oyo State Engr Seyi Abiodun Makinde in his remarks promised to support and collaborate with the Nigerian Army in the execution of some projects in the State. His Excellency promised to  extend the installation of street light to the barrack community.

The General Officer Commanding thanked His Excellency for taking time out to attend the WASA.


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