
Showing posts from May, 2019

Oyo Govt Bans NURTW, Takes Over Motorparks

Oyo State Government has proscribed the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) in the State in order to put a stop to the protracted internal feud among members of the Union. The Governor of Oyo State, Engr. Seyi Makinde made this pronouncement at a press conference held at the Executive Chambers of the Governor’s office in Ibadan on Friday. Makinde, who was represented by the Chief of Staff, Chief Bisi Ilaka said it was imperative to put a stop to the untoward activities of the union in the State, as his administration has promised the citizenry of growth in human and commercial activities on assumption of office. “While appreciating the good people of Oyo State for your steadfastness overtime and support for our administration, I want to reiterate our stand on the need to maintain peace and tranquility in our State in order yo engender commercial and human development. “After today’s deliberation with security stakeholders involving security Chiefs and governmen

Makinde Appoints Hamzah Malik as Chairman of Muslim Pilgrims Board

Oyo State Governor, Engr. Seyi Makinde has appointed the Chairman of Muslim Wing of the Oyo State Pilgrims Welfare Board. Makinde appointed Prof. Sayed Hamzah Ayantunde Malik, a senior lecturer in the Department of Arabic and Islamic studies  at the University of Ibadan The appointment is with immediate effect. Malik will replace Alhaji Akewugbagold who was appointed by former Governor Abiola Ajimobi.

JUST IN: Why Ladoja Was Absent At Seyi Makinde Inauguration.

The  personal secretary to senator Rashidi Adewolu Ladoja, Mr Lanre Latinwo has revealed why the Osi Olubadan was absent at the yesterday's inauguration.  Latinwo in a statement obtained by Mouthpiece NG on Thursday said baba was conspicuously absent due to the remembrance of his promising son, Debola Ladoja who gave up the ghost on 29th May, 2014. The statement read: "The death of 31years old Debola Ladoja a promising son of the former Governor of Oyo State exactly 5 years on 29th of May this year was responsible for the absence of the Ibadan High Chief Senator Rashidi Adewolu Ladoja at yesterday's swearing in ceremony of Engineer Oluseyi Makinde as the Governor of the State. Debola was working in a financial organization before he met his untimely death on the early hours of  29th May, 2014.  "The former Governor kept the reason to himself in order not to dampen the high spirit of the people around him. This fact was also hidden from the Governor hi

Oyo Govr Sacks LG Chairmen.

The new government of Engr Seyi Makinde has goofed on the alleged dissolution of all local Government authorities, Local Council Development Authorities,  The governor stated this in a statement made available by his newly appointed Chief of Staff, Bisi Ilaka shortly after inauguration on Wednesday. Chief Ilaka, who has not taken oath of office, in the letter purported circulated across media on Wednesday, also directed all Local Government Chairmen are to hand over to their Heads of Local Government Administration (HLA) or the most Senior Directors in their local government areas and councils. “That all Boards of Parastatals and corporations be dissolved. “That embargo be placed on all Local and State Government accounts until further directives,” the statement concludes

Obasanjo Escapes Plane Crash At Murtala Mohammed Airport.

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo escaped what could have ended as a plane crash in Lagos on Wednesday. According to NAN, the ex-president was among the 393 passengers who were on board an aircraft that found it difficult to land at Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos. The passenger aircraft, ET-901, had departed the Bole International Airport, Addis Ababa, at 9:10am, Ethiopian time, 7 am Nigerian time. A NAN correspondent, who was among the passengers, said the almost 5-hour flight from the Ethiopian capital to Lagos had been smooth until the pilot attempted to land at the Murtala Muhammed International airport. Rather than landing on the first touch line of the runway, the pilot over short it, due to rain and heavy wind, landing on the third touchline. On realising this, the pilot quickly manouvered the plane back air, flying out of the Lagos airport. After hovering around between Lagos and areas suspected to be in Ogun, causing panic in passengers and crew members,

BREAKING: Seyi Makinde Appoints Bisi Ilaka As Chief Of Staff

Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State has made his first major appointment by announcing Chief Bisi Ilaka as his Chief of Staff. Chief Luqman Oyebisi Ilaka, is a UK-trained Lawyer, Financial Tax expert, Qualified Mortgage Advance Planner, a professional to the core and a gentleman. He was first appointed as deputy chairman of the transition committee by Engr. Seyi Makinde. Ilaka was the PDP senatorial candidate for Oyo Central in the February 2019 election and lost to APC candidate, Teslim Folarin.

BREAKING! Governor Seyi Makinde Remove N3,000 Levies Paid By Students As Promised On Campaigns.

The new Governor of Oyo State, Mr. Seyi Makinde has abolished the N3,000 security levies and school fees for primary and secondary schools in the state. Governor Makinde made this known at his first official broadcast monitored by after swearing-in on Wednesday at the Libery stadium, Ibadan. Makinde and his deputy, Mr. Rauf Olaniyan, took the oath of office administered by the Chief Judge of the state, Justice Munta Abimbola. Makinde, who was flanked by his wife, Omini, and three children took the oath of office at exactly 12.17 pm, while Olaniyan took the oath at exactly 11.57 am. Present at the event included former Governors of Ekiti, Mr. Ayodele Fayose, Osun, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola, and Oyo, Otunba Adebayo Alao-Akala. Others are the Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi; the Olubadan of Ibadan, Oba Saliu Adetunji; Afenifere chieftains, Chief Ayo Adebanjo, Chief Olu Falae, Senator Biodun Olujimi, Senator Hosea Agboola, Chief Bolaji Ayorinde, Chief J

Makinde Re-open Secretariat Over-Head Bridge, After Eight Years Of Closure by Ajimobi Administrations.

Governor Seyi Makinde today ordered the re-opening of the overhead bridge at the state secretariat. This is just as he renamed it Freedom Bridge. The bridge, built by the military administration of Gen. David Jemibewon, was closed by former governor Abiola Ajimobi. Makinde who made this known during first official broadcast at his inauguration at the Liberty Stadium also abolished the N3,000 paid by students in Oyo-owned schools.

Ajimobi to Makinde: You Must "Step On Toes" To Have Successful Administrations.

Governor Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State has offered his successor, Engr Seyi Makinde some useful tips to have an impactful administration. Ajimobi gave this tips during a thanksgiving service for the completion of his two terms as governor, at the Cathedral of St James, Ibadan, on Sunday. Drawing from his years as governor, Ajimobi emphasised the critical role of the persona of a leader, and advise Makinde with five simple tips: analysed the speech and outline five tips the outgoing governor offered Seyi Makinde to succeed: 1. Step on Toes Seyi Makinde must not shy away from stepping on toes if his administration is to be impactful and successful. 2. Dare trouble makers and be stubborn Ajimobi said the only way to maintain the security of Oyo State is to be stubborn. When those who cause trouble know you to be a stubborn person, they won’t dare you. 3. Continuity “I will advise the incoming governor to continue from where we are stopping.

National Assembly management asks lawmakers to quit offices Tuesday

Personal effects of a member of the eighth National Assembly being moved away from the premises on Friday. Photo: Sunday Aborisade Sunday Aborisade , Abuja Outgoing members of the National Assembly have been asked to submit keys of their various offices latest by 5 pm on Tuesday. The development according , to investigations, has forced the senators and members of the House of Representatives to engage in last minute packing of electronic items and furniture in their offices . Findings by our correspondent also revealed that the management of the National Assembly sold the items to the outgoing lawmakers at give - away prices . Attempts to speak with the management on the issue failed as of the time of filing this report because calls made to the mobile phone of the Director of Information , Rawlings Agada , rang out . Vehicles conveying items like refrigerators, deep freezers , microwave oven , plasma television sets , standing fans , furniture and rugs we

Minimum wage will be paid from April 18 –Ngige

The Minister of Labour and Employment , Dr Chris Ngige, has said the new minimum wage will take effect from April 18 , 2019 , when it was signed into law by President Muhammadu Buhari . The Federal Government on May 14 , 2019 inaugurated a committee to negotiate the consequential adjustment in salaries arising from the minimum wage , with the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, Winifred Oyo - Ita , appointed as chairman. While speaking with journalists in Abuja on Friday , Ngige said whenever the new wage was to be implemented, it would be done in arrears to reflect the date it was signed by Buhari . He also said that state governors were bound by the new law to pay the amount . He said , “ It is a national law and no governor can say he will not pay . Issue of the national minimum wage is item 34 on the exclusive legislative list of the third schedule of the Nigerian constitution. Every state government is now owing workers if they have not started pa

Olugbemi Again Appreciates Constituency Staff, Supports Them Financially

Beyond the event of Saturday 11th May, 2019 when Hon Olusunbo Olugbemi showered gift items worth N200 million on his constituents, it was another moment everyone wished should continue forever on the evening of Sunday the 19th of May, 2019 when he hosted his constituency staff and close associates to a superlative dinner. There were more than enough to eat, drink and take away of the sumptuous provisions made for the guests, the bandstand was topnotch and right on point, it was indeed a night of revelation as no one could ever imagined Olugbemi could dance like David did, from zanku to asonto and all the dance steps in vogue, it was indeed a joyous moment for all in attendance. In his characteristic manner, the lawm aker allowed his guests to do more of the talkings from the least staff cadre to the most senior, because to him everyone matters. Everyone had ample time to bare their minds while he was attentive as usual to digest their messages. It was indeed an e

Governor Inauguration: I Won't Be Available On Makinde Inauguration, AJIMOBI Tells BUHARI

The outgoing Governor of Oyo state, Abiola Ajimobi, on Friday met with President Muhammadu Buhari at the presidential villa, Abuja, after which he expressed regret that he was not able to do all he wanted to do as governor. He also hoped that the people had been more patient and showed more understanding. The governor revealed that he would not be around for the inauguration of the new state governor as he would be away for lesser Hajj. He said that he has left a good legacy in Oyo state as he believes that he has been able to bring to it peace, tranquillity and development. Asked if he had any regrets, he said: “I think I regret the fact that I have not been able to do everything I wanted to do. I wish our people could be more understanding, could be more patient but they feel that any time you try to make a change, people resist change even if it’s good for them. I wish I had been in politics 20 years ago.” He said he was at the presidential villa

Oyo Civil Servants Shun Strike, Carry Out Normal Activities.

Oyo State civil servants on Friday shunned the strike action called by the leadership of the state wing of Nigeria Labour Congress(NLC). Investigation revealed that workers were seen carrying out their normal duties in most of the ministries and agencies at the state secretariat visited by our correspondent on Friday morning. There was, however partial compliance in three ministries where most of the offices were locked. The NLC had in a statement on Thursday directed all workers in the state to commence an indefinite strike on Friday over the government’s failure to give a favourable response to its numerous demands. NLC state chairman, Comrade Bayo Titilola-Sodo, had on Wednesday evening told journalists that, “a number of teething issues had been on the ground since 2011 when the outgoing government came into power. “The leadership of all unions in the public service in Oyo State shall not be able to guarantee industrial peace and harmony in the state

Award Of Fresh Multi-billion Naira Contracts By Ajimobi Responsible For Workers’ Strike —Makinde

Oyo State governor-elect, Engr Seyi Makinde has harsh words for the Ajimobi led Administration for what he called the administration’sinsensitivity to workers’ welfare. In a statement by his spokesman Prince Dotun Oyelade, the total disregard for fiscal prudence and decency in the last few weeks, leading to the award of billions of naira of fresh contracts, mobilisation of huge sums of money for projects that have no direct benefit to the masses and open display of monetary generosities to friends of government to the chagrin of workers who feel neglected and isolated in the face of simulated solvency are the reasons for the strike embarked upon by oyo state NLC. The governor-elect said that Ajimobi must solve the problem he has created before he leaves office by using the same enthusiasm with which he was awarding contracts and paying contractors and recruiting and promoting people to accede to the workers’ demands. Makinde appealed to workers to see beyond the facade

Oyo Workers Set For Strike, Give Ajimobi 24 Hours To Meet Demands

Workers in Oyo state on Thursday threatened to embark on strike if the state governor, Sen. Abiola Ajimobi failed to meet with their welfare demands within 24 hours The notice of the strike was contained in a press release issued and signed by the Secretary of Oyo State chapter of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Comrade Ibrahim Mohamed, and the secretary of Joint Negotiating Council (JNC), Comrade Lukman Balogun, after a meeting of all Public Service Union in the state yesterday. The release stated that the members acknowledged the commitment of the state government to the welfare of workers which include: upgrading of the directorate cadre from grade level 16 to grade level 17, in tandem with the Scheme of Service in the Federal Civil Service level, Lifting embargo placed on lateral conversion and transfer across all cadre in the public service and immediate payment of May, 2019 salary/pension to all workers and pensioners in Oyo state. The labour unions howeve

FG Commissions Remodeled Ibadan Airport Terminal

The Federal Government has inaugurated the newly remodeled terminal building of the Ibadan Airport, to reposition the nation’s aviation industry. The Minister of State for Aviation, Sen. Hadi Sirika, while inaugurating the project, said the completion of new terminal was a reflection of President Muhammadu Buhari’s respect for the ancient city. Sirika said Ibadan was historically the centre of civilisation of the south western part of the country. He said that the project was among the 157 embarked upon by the current administration in the last three years across Nigerian airports. “What Kaduna is to the north, what Enugu is to the southeast and Benin to the South-south is what Ibadan is to the southwest in terms of trade and commerce and even their traditional culture and financial system. “The city of Ibadan is the premier city in West Africa and it is a revered city. “It is against this backdrop that the Federal Government decided to rehabilitate and remodel this te

Sugar’s Death: Oyo Chief Whip, Lafi Granted Bail of N50m

A High Court sitting in Ibadan on Thursday admitted Olafisoye Akinmoyede, Chief Whip of the Oyo State House of Assembly, who was allegedly linked to the murder of Rep. Temitope Olatoye, alias ”Sugar”, to bail in the sum of  N50 million. Olatoye who represents Lagelu/Akinyele Federal Constituency was shot dead on March 9, around Lalupon garage. Admitting Akinmoyede to bail, Justice Mashud Abass, ordered him to produce two sureties in like sum one of who must be a civil servant not below GL14 or member of the state House or National Assembly members. Abass ordered that the second surety must be a blood relation with landed property worthy N50 million. Earlier, the judge, frowned at the action of the police, describing it as ”arrogant, unlawful and unconstitutional. ”The practice of the police making arrests before investigation is not proper. “The power of the police to arrest and detain is not in doubt but the constitution stipulate that any person detained